Fast Cash When You Need it Most
Struggling to get by to the next payday? Need funds immediately? Let Cash Cash 4 Gold help with your money troubles. We take gold, jewelry, autos, and much more for cash! With the highest payouts since 1960, we’re a trusted source of quick cash in Scranton, PA. Turn your unused valuables into cash when payday just can’t wait!
In today’s times it’s hard to tell who is a legitimate source of fast cash anymore. Cash Cash 4 Gold is fully licensed, bonded and insured for your protection, so you have peace of mind knowing that you can get cash when you need it. So if you’re having money troubles, come to Cash Cash 4 Gold and get the money you need when you need it.
Why Cash Cash 4 Gold
- We will pay you more for your gold
- We will pay you faster for your gold
- We’ve had thousands of satisfied clients
- We are licensed and insured to trade gold by the State of Pennsyvania
- Our scales are calibrated and certified by the State of Pennsyvania
- We are a family-owned gold buying company
- Our family has been in the Jewelry Industry for over 50 years
- We pay for your postage
- We use FedEx to ensure reliable deliveries
- We buy high-end, as well as used or broken jewelry
- We also buy diamonds, silver and platinum jewelry
- We offer payments by check, wire transfer or PayPal
- We will pay you within 24 hours
- You can track your package using FedEx
- Your jewelry package is insured
- We offer a 100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
- We will not sell your information to third parties
- We are easy to get in touch with
- We have no minimum weights
- We have no hidden fees
- We are good people with a great reputation!